Please find the information of our weekly virtual meetings via Zoom below.

Each meeting is it’s own entity and has a meeting rep, newcomer welcome rep and it’s own group decision making process, so although we follow a common outline, each meeting will be different in some way.

Contact details are provided for each group representative to request the meeting access details, ask any questions, and to better help you find the right group to attend. You are most welcome to join as many of our meetings as you’d like to. Read our guidance on joining Zoom calls here.

We recommend you attend at least six meetings before deciding if S-Anon is right for you.

Virtual meetings

Monday 1 - 2pm (UK time) Contact Group rep

Monday 7 - 8pm (UK time) Contact Group rep

Tuesday 8 - 9pm (UK time) Contact Group rep

Wednesday 8 - 9pm (UK time) Traditions meeting Contact Group Rep

Thursday 1 - 2pm (UK time) Contact Group Rep

Thursday 8 - 9pm (UK time) Contact Group Rep

Friday 12.30 - 1.30pm (UK time) Contact Group Rep

Saturday 8 - 9pm (UK time) Contact Group Rep

Sunday Serenity 7 - 8pm (UK time) CAMERA ON MEETING Contact Group Rep

Sunday 8-9pm (UK time) Contact Group Rep

There is also a Zoom meeting hosted from Ireland every Monday at 8.30pm - info on this page.