The S-Anon Family Groups are a fellowship of the relatives and friends of sexually addicted people who share their experience, strength and hope in order to solve their common problems. Our programme of recovery is adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous and is based on the Twelve Steps and the Twelve Traditions. There are no dues or fees for S-Anon membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions.

S-Anon is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution; it does not wish to engage in any controversy; nor does it endorse or oppose any causes. Our primary purpose is to recover from the effects upon us of another person's sexaholism and to help the families and friends of sexaholics. We do this by applying the Twelve Steps of S-Anon to our lives and by welcoming and giving comfort to families of sexaholics.

Reprinted with permission of S-Anon International Family Groups, Inc., Nashville, TN. 


In S-Anon we discover that there is hope for changing our own lives. We hear others, who were once in similar situations, tell how they are solving their problems and growing into the people they want to be. Whether or not our friends or relatives ever seek recovery, becoming aware of our own self-defeating behaviour, in a safe, anonymous environment like S-Anon, is a major step toward freedom and recovery.

We found that when we did take positive action to help ourselves, help was there for us in S-Anon. We found love and support when we shared with and listened to other people who had similar experiences and feelings. This became a basis upon which to build a new life. Sharing with other group members showed us that no situation is really hopeless, and we can learn to see our problems in a new, more hopeful light. Our experience has taught us that we do have choices, and we need not feel trapped in an impossible situation.